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Find out about upcoming fights on Punching Grace or check out the archive of exciting fights featuring some of the world’s greatest boxers. Don’t miss any of the action!

Tigers on the loose in Russia

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Siesta Boxing, their first edition of events in Minsk Russia, featuring Artem Oganesyan and Ivan Kozlovsky’s professional debut.



Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron, Mise-o-jeu and La Queen, the return of professional boxing events in Canada featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising…


Steven Butler: Get Back Up – CANCELED

Eye of the Tiger Management présente, en association avec Vidéotron et Mise-o-jeu, la série de galas de boxe professionnelle intitulée l'Antre du Tigre mettant en vedette quelques-uns des boxeurs québécois…


Tiger’s Den: Jukembaev vs. Lara

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the series of professional boxing events titled Tiger’s Den featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising boxers.


EOTTM brings out the big guns!

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the return of professional boxing to the boxing mecca of Montreal; the Bell Centre!



Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the series of professional boxing events titled Tiger’s Den featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising boxers.


The Tiger’s Den: Makhmudov vs. Fernandez

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the series of professional boxing events titled Tiger’s Den featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising boxers.


Bang Bang: On a Mission

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the series of professional boxing events titled Tiger’s Den featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising boxers.


Boxing Under the Stars

Eye of the Tiger Management in association with Thetford Chrysler presents their first professional gala in the Desjardins Stadium under the stars.


Tiger’s Den: Makhmudov vs. Rice

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the series of professional boxing events titled Tiger’s Den featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising boxers.


The Grizzly’s Return

Eye of the Tiger Management presents, in association with Vidéotron and Mise-o-jeu, the series of professional boxing events titled Tiger’s Den featuring some of Quebec's most talented and promising boxers.
